30 Day Challenge Check in…

How is your 30 day challenge going?

Psalm 121 has always been a favorite…

But this verse especially has come to mind lately…

Psalm 121:7         The LORD will keep you from all harm–he will watch over your life.

I feel like life has been this giant trip to San Diego lately. I’ve never been, but I have always been scared of the hills. Just thinking about going there makes my heart beat faster thinking about driving a standard car.

We don’t even own a standard car right now (that is a great story for another day). Mom, I’m so sorry if you just spit out coffee all over your screen thinking about teaching me to drive a standard at 30 with 2 kids in the backseat… Good times.

Anyhoo, back to San Diego. Just thinking about it completely gives me circles under my eyes.

Why? I haven’t ever been there. I’m sure it’s beautiful.

Life has been that way for me lately.


Closing on a short sale. (Short? HAH!)

Moving. (Yucky poo)

Brian’s layoff. (More yucky poo)

More friends getting laid off. (even more….)

These unknowns and unsures all make me as anxious as a child on Christmas Eve. I’m jumpy and excite-dy. I’m spacey and whiny.


So, am I really trusting God with all this? Really? Nope.

I don’t have any brilliant words of wisdom for you.

But that is what I’m workin’ on.

Just wanted to check in and let you know.

What are you working on? I’d love to pray for that for you.

Hugs to you,
