Friendship and Seasons


Apparently, when I was dropped off for my first day of Kindergarten, I waved to my father while holding my mother’s hand and yelled, “I am going to have millions and millions of friends!”. Apparently one wonderful brother wasn’t enough for me and I was ready to expand my circle of friends right then and there.

I have always loved people. Sometimes, I love them a little too much – and I smother them with all of my loving. But sometimes, I find those gems. I find dear friends who truly love me where I am and just as I am.

I once read a book called Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. It has been a while, so please forgive my paraphrasing, but in one chapter it spoke of the different types of friendships.

Some friends are given to us only for the season of life we are in. I think of the friends that I met when Julia and Nate were very young. We may not be in touch any longer, but I treasure them and our play dates.

Some friends are with us for life. I think of my dear college roommates. Jen, Kelly, Jenny, and Maja. They are stuck with me whether they like it or not. They are my lifetime friends.

Some friends (I hope) are going to grow from this Arizona season of my life and stay with me. The tomatoes above were given to me by my dear friend Cindy. We have so much in common. I blog. She blogs. Julia and Nate are almost exactly the same age as her littles. I sing. She sings (better). She is a brilliant lawyer. And I ask her questions all the time. See? True friends.

In all of my years of friendships – old and new, lifelong or seasonal – I know that this is true.

Be a true friend. Do not gossip. Do not talk about your friends to others, unless it is to praise! For goodness sake, take Aunt Avy’s advice and just talk about the weather if you don’t have nice things to say.

Women can be so very hard on one another. We are better than that. We have strength that can move mountains. Build one another up and speak kindness to each other. Don’t let the silence be scary. It does not always have to be filled with words.

If there is nothing nice you can say, let the silence hang in the air like a victory flag over all things trite.

I love you all. We can do this.
