Finding my photo style…

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As I drove to California this weekend, I had so much on my mind. I knew I would be out of my league with Tyler and Wendy. I knew that I have so much to learn. {I also had a small panic attack when the rain and fog started. It was thick as pea soup. Goodness, gracious I missed having Brian with me.}

But I also believe that I am doing what I love. I believe that with that love comes the absolute possibility of brilliance – one day – maybe.

What I didn’t know is that I would leave feeling absolutely inspired, with five brand new friends.

Are you ready to hear my next challenge? I’m sharing this with you for accountability, so go easy on me – OK?

I NEED to develop my own style and my own story. Each photo shoot I do, I love – but my work, if I am being brutally honest with myself, is not cohesive. I want you to be able to look at my work and say – “Oh, did Kate do that?” or “That looks like something Kate did.”

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That means it is time for me to go into my tunnel and paint it with my own brushes.

I’m on the inspired road. It’s like driving through Bastrop, Texas, listening to The Boxer. It’s like driving down Old San Antonio Road at midnight, pulling over to look at the stars.

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The best part? I absolutely lucked out. My new workshop friends have already cheered me on this morning. They have already sent texts and emails and Facebook messages. We each have our next hurdle lined up and we are ready for the race.

Wendy and Tyler, thank you an amazing, inspired weekend.

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Here’s to the next step!
