The sweetest of days…

Yesterday morning, Riley, the outlaws, and I enjoyed Nate’s Aloha to 5th grade breakfast. As I walked into the cafeteria, I realized that next year is the first time in nine years that I won’t have a little one in elementary school. I began to get all teared up. We’ve been very blessed and both kids had really great elementary school experiences.

After his breakfast, Riley and I wandered back to the car and spent some time at the playground. It was one of those really beautiful days – dogs playing catch, new babies, and soft breezes coming and going as we played.

Kate Eschbach Photography-2aLast night, was Julia’s 8th grade graduation. She is now officially a high school-er.

She was chosen to receive the Cor Mariae award. Cor Mariae means the heart of Mary. Her theology teacher spoke about how we are all given virtues. We may lack some virtues, but the virtues in other people make up for it and vice versa.


I’ll pause for a second and tell you what is meant by virtues. According to the entomology of the word virtue signifies courage – the courage to add a habit to your soul. There are three types of virtues – intellectual (art and prudence), moral (justice, temperance, and fortitude), and theological (faith, hope, and charity).



The heart of Mary award means that Julia displays all virtues.

You want to make a mother sob in public? Tell her this about her daughter, then tell the mother that that means she has the heart of St. Anne, Mary’s mother. (Did you know St. Anne also struggled with infertility? Did you know that Anne means grace – my word of the year? Did you know that Ann is my middle name?).

We attended Mass last night, watched Julia walk to the altar for a blessing, and listened to the choir sing “For the Beauty of the Earth”. All the families walked over to the courtyard together and enjoyed cake and children running around until the stars came out. We stood together, praying over our children, the school, and the nation.

Days that are that sweet don’t happy that often. I just had to write it down. Thank you for stopping by and know that you are prayed for, too!

With love,
