The Outlaws explained


Brian’s parents are with us for an extended stay! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may see me refer to “the outlaws”.

I hope you know this is just me teasing them. They are funny, kind people. I think I’ve only cooked dinner three times since April.

They make the kids laugh and do last minute grocery store runs.


I remember my grandmother staying with us when I was growing up. I think I was about Nate’s age. We had the best time with her. I am still close to her.

The special memories that they make with the kids is worth those times all seven of us are trying to crowd into the kitchen together.


Were we nervous when we were preparing the house for them? Of course.

Were we a little worried that we wouldn’t always be the best hosts? Absolutely.

But I’ve been reminded of this…

Is this my house? No. It is His.

Is it so very important to have “me” time? Not really. I think the world would have us believe that we are entitled to time to ourselves. When really, when we are obedient to Him, we can find all the rest we need, even in the midst of chaos.

Like anything, this is a learning process. This is a time when I am easily reminded that I fall short in so many ways. The details of my home and how it runs rarely look like the instagram pictures. My words are clumsy, my house is messy, and I tend to think of myself first.

But, like anything, when I give over the worry and striving to Him, I find laughter and rest.

I’m so thankful they are here, making memories with my beautiful children and sharing their lives with us!