Thank you Raising Up One!

An open letter to Marissa at Raising Up One

There are people in this world you who meet that seem too good to be true. When you told me that you started your blog and fundraising platform to raise money for adoptions for others, it took a while to soak in.

Did I ever tell you that the day that you contacted me was the day that we found out that we would need to hire a 2nd lawyer and redo paperwork? I know that you were sent our way to be an encouragement and a light on our journey of adoption.


I am quietly watching as you start a new month with a new family with amazing energy and enthusiasm.

You are a world changer, Marissa. Thank you so much for sharing your time and passion with my family. You will always have a special part in our adoption story. I will be praying for you and for all of the families you Raise Up!

With much love and many thanks,


Kate Eschbach Photography-21

If you would like to get involved, please check out Marissa’s blog, Raising Up One.

She accepts sponsor-ships and donations from shops for the adoption fundraisers.

You can also join in the amazing Instagram auctions over at @RaisingUp1 ! These auctions are the perfect way to buy gifts and support adoption at the same time!