Artistic Collaborations

Kate Eschbach Photography-10jpga

After one of our photo walks at a nearby trail, Nancy and I noticed two ladies at the trail-head with paints, canvases, and tables. It was a relaxing sight. The ladies were chatting and laughing. I quietly walked Riley over to show him what the ladies were doing.

They were both drawing beautiful desert scenes, putting down on canvas what they saw with their eyes.

Riley inched closer and closer. He loves to color. We usually color at least once (or four times) a day.

I held my breath when one of the ladies handed him a paintbrush and invited him to paint on her canvas. “He’s only three.” I stuttered clumsily. “He doesn’t really use paints at home, just crayons.” The excuses poured out of my mouth. She didn’t acknowledge any of my random phrases. She helped Riley as he painted a long white streak across her beautiful painting.


“Oh, see there!”, she exclaimed. “Look how pretty you made that. Now, let me help you again.”

I stood in awe as both children quietly collaborated with the artists.


Patient, kind, and encouraging.

The entire time my heart raced and I felt like I should pull them away. Both artists seemed to enjoy teaching and working with the kids. They didn’t seem to mind the interruption at all.

I pulled out my camera and felt more at ease looking through the view finder.

I’ve thought about this day a lot since it happened. I feel like there is some amazing life lesson I could share with you from this experience, but my words seem to fall short on this one.

So I’ll just leave you thoughts on collaboration… Collaboration doesn’t need perfection or talent. It just needs patience, kindness, and encouragement.

Hugs dear ones,
