Father’s Day 2014

It was the day that defined our marriage.

Brian had been up all night studying for finals. I had been at work since 6am when my water broke. I didn’t want to go to the hospital without Brian, so I drove home to get him. (Just don’t tell my doctor, ok? He told me to drive straight to the hospital.)

Brian woke up to a conversation I was having with my father on the phone, saying, “Dad, do you want to be a grandpa today?”‘.

College Station Medical Center

Brian and I have been friends since high school. We even went to prom and homecoming in the same group – just not as each other’s dates. We became inseparable in college and started dating at the beginning of our sophomore year.

We always had a comfortable, supportive, kindness with one another.

The day Julia was born and in the days following, I needed Brian like I had never needed him before. I’ve always been somewhat independent. I love being around people and I’d always rather have a sidekick than be alone, but I like to be the boss. I like to say what happens, when, and how.

Suddenly, I was absolutely out of control with my world. My sleep, my emotions, and my body were all arguing with one another – to the sounds of newborn cries.

In those days, Brian, the strong, silent type, stood by my side. He cared for me as only my mother had cared for me. He laughed with me and held me as I wept. He tackled the lack of sleep like a professional, leaving me to wonder why I was so absolutely terrible at it.

Marriages have many moments where husband and wife discover a new love and deeper respect for one another. 

This was ours. They day Brian became a father. He became a different person to me that day. He became my hero and my champion.

Happy Father’s Day, Brian.