Coffee, Making a difference, a coupon, and a giveaway

Disclosure: Three Avocados is a nonprofit coffee company. I was sent free coffee from Three Avocados. Three Avocados has given me 2 free bags of coffee, and a free bag to giveaway to one of you (my readers) in exchange for talking about Three Avocados in this blog post.


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As I sit here drinking my cup of coffee, I’m thinking about all of you. How many of us poured ourselves a cup (or someone in our home a cup) of coffee this morning?

Can change really be as simple as making sure that even that cup makes a difference in this world? I believe it can.

With every choice we make, we have the opportunity to make a ripple in this world that improves and helps someone else’s circumstance.

Next time your order coffee, would you consider ordering from Three Avocados?

Here is their story:

Our story begins in the humble village of Bulopa Uganda. Bulopa, like many other villages in Uganda, is a very remote and extremely poor village. There is a small church there, which amounts to nothing more than a few sticks in the ground and some benches. We had been invited to worship with the people of Bulopa. Despite the fact we were over four hours late, the entire village was there to welcome us.

It had been a long day, we were all tired and eager to get back to the comfort of our hotel in Jinja. And then it happened. As the offering basket was passed around, a poor widow placed three avocados in the basket. It was literally all she had. And she gave it up, all for the sake of others. You see, in Uganda, the pastors do not receive any pay. The food they eat is given through the offering as they visit different villages. That widow had given all she had to ensure someone else could eat. What a beautiful gift.

It was that simple gift that inspired us. We left Uganda brainstorming ways that we could help. Though our efforts could never match the generosity of that widow, our goal is to do everything we can to ensure the poor throughout the world are cared for and are never forgotten. And we deeply thank you for being a part of “Three Avocados.”

How Does My Purchase Help?

Each 12oz. bag purchased provides between $0.50 and $3.00 for clean water projects, depending on the retail channel purchased through. Purchasing online, through our web site provides the highest amount towards clean water.

They have given me a coupon code to share with you: songkatesangTA for 10% off

They have also given me one free bag for one of you to try! Please enter below for a chance to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway