Blended Conference 2014 – Here we come!

Blended Conference 2014

Ever so often, I receive a question via text or email or comment on Instagram that goes something like this: “How do you get invited to these cool events?”

Obviously it’s because of my charisma and winning smile, right? Ha!

If you had to ask me for my secret, I would invite you to go to coffee and tell you that you need to attend the Blended Conference. You’d probably look at me like I wasn’t telling you everything. Maybe you’d figure that I was keeping the really good information to myself.

I’m here to tell you two things.

  1. That isn’t my style. I like to share great information. When bloggers improve, the entire blogging industry improves. When you get better, I get better, and the entire industry becomes more professional – therefore becoming more legitimate? See? #winning.
  2. The two hostesses – Wendy and Wendy – are experts at brand relationships. 80% of the events I have attended this year are because of relationships I have developed due to attended Blended Conference last year. #sorrynotsorry

This year, I am absolutely giddy about hearing Maria Bailey speak. If you want to watch me act like a tongue tied school girl, that is reason enough to grab a ticket.

I think the other thing I’m really excited about it is the Swap-A-Prop. I have this little cabinet of props I use when I photograph for posts – vases, dishes, towels, and more. I can’t wait to trade and refresh that cabinet and gain some inspiration along the way!

Feel free to read my Blended Conference 2013 recap. I really do hope that I see you there! I love meeting the faces that go with the names on the screen. Let me know if you have any questions, ok?! And if you are nervous about walking in alone, you just let me know and I’ll walk in with you!