Well done, my sweet Julia

When I think about this summer, I am sure I will think of it fondly. More and more, I cannot remember what our home was like before Riley. I continue to watch Nate grow into a confident, kind, young man with a heart for making others feel included and happy.

This summer is a summer with Julia I will never forget. I’ve watched her keep her priorities so very clear – faith, family, reading, and music. I’ve watched her change little habits over the summer, growing into a gracious young lady. She is no longer the little girl I fuss at to put laundry away. She is now the young lady who pours her effort into this family.

Teen and Tween Style

Last weekend, I had the privilege of chaperoning a retreat she attended.

Do you remember the story of Hannah and Samuel? Knowing that Julia is a miracle, knowing that I scientifically was not able to bear children but carried two until term, makes me very aware of thankfulness.

I know that we are approaching the time when I will let Julia go into the world and find her own way. I will hide these moments in my heart, because I will miss her so much.

Teen and Tween Style 1

She has always loved music. We loved singing in the car. It makes road trips go so much more quickly. My friend, Antonio, who I have recorded with before, is leaving. He asked to record one more time before he leaves and invited me to bring Julia with me.

Antonio has been such blessing in my life. When I decided to leave the corporate world, I mentioned in passing that I had a dream of recording. At the time, he was a youth in our praise choir. He asked to come over and have me sing backup for him. The rest is history. Antonio, thank you for helping me realize a dream. I am forever grateful.

This weekend, when Julia came with me, I tried to prep her for what it is like to record. I coached her and tried to prepare her. And then… on the first time she ever recorded, on the first take – this happened.

I’m just the backup… as it should be.

Have a great week!
