A smile, an investment, and Invisalign

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

This summer, we’ve been doing our research on orthodontics for my 14 year old and my 11 year old. They’ve both had xrays and follow up appointments to determine what would be best for their health. After one appointment, I was told that neither child was eligible for Invisalign. This didn’t line up with what I had been told about Invisalign. Earlier this year, I attended an Invisalign event and learned that Invisalign can treat crossbite, which is what Julia was diagnosed with. Both children were so disappointed.

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I spoke with a friend that reminded me to check the Invisalign website to see the doctor’s overall Invisalign experience. The doctor we spoke with was marked as a Premier Provider on the website. I searched to see if I could find a doctor with Elite experience. Elite experience tells me that the doctor has more Invisalign experience than the Premier level. I found a doctor just up the street with Elite experience and we made an appointment for a second opinion for Julia. We told him that we were interested in Invisalign and he immediately said, “Great! That is always a possibility.”

Julia’s face lit up immediately and he went to work taking measurements and castings of her teeth. We have our followup appointment next week to hear all the details of what she will need, but I am so glad that I was reminded to get a second opinion. This is a huge investment. Was it a little inconvenient to have another appointment? Sure. But just seeing the smile on her face, knowing we were trying to see if it was an option, was absolutely worth it. When I consider the other pros, it seems silly to think of a second opinion appointment as inconvenient.

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I feel so much more confident having this second opinon and I can’t wait to find out all of the details.

It is so important to remember to be your own advocate when it comes to healthcare. Get those second opinions! No one else is going to do the research for you.