4 Real Mom Potty Training Tips | Giveaway

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. Charmin® asked me to share a few potty training tips with you, so I pulled together my best tips and tricks! It is my honor to share news with you from a company that I support! #CharminAtSamsClub

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I just finished potty training my third little one, and there is one thing I can tell you with absolutely certainty: every kiddo potty trains differently. Every kiddo has different needs and responds to praise in different ways.

One of my little ones needed an hourly reminder. We set a timer, and when the timer beeped, I would ask them if they needed to go.

One of them just needed lots of cheering, and the other one needed lots of time.

Yes, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Yes, I’ve pulled off the road at more than a few questionable gas stations. Yes, I carried antibacterial wipes in my car for that purpose. I am that mom.

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With all of their differences, there are a few things that carried over.

Here are the four things they did have in common:

  1. A stool – we were given a stool as a gift and it worked magic. They seemed so much more comfortable propping their little feet up whenever they were going potty.

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2. Books – Not just any books… the books should be easy for them to hold while they are sitting on the potty. If they are having to wiggle around just to hold the books, it defeats the purpose.

3. Soft, soft toilet paper – This was super important for each and every one of my kids. They could absolutely tell the difference if we weren’t using something soft. Charmin Ultra Soft is a family favorite. The extra 1,000 sheets per roll you receive when you purchase it at Sam’s Club is perfect for potty training.

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4. Rewards – Find out what your little one thinks is a big deal, and use it only when they are successful (or almost successful). Stickers, fruit snacks, candy, and a trip to the park are just a few ideas that worked for my little ones. The kids will be so enamored with the goodies you are holding as a reward. You have to hold out and really only use them for potty training. You can do it!

What is my best piece of advice? Relax. Breathe. Make the experience pleasant for everybody. If you are pulling your hair out, your little one can tell. It is OK to take a break, go back to pull ups, and revisit it when you are ready. It is hard work and it will happen. Some kiddos take longer than others and that is completely alright.

“The average age at which a child will start to show interest in learning to potty train is around 2 years, but it’s a bell shaped curve — some will go earlier and others not until 3 or even 4,” says Mark Wolraich, MD, the CMRI/Shaun Walters professor of pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.

As parents, we feel pressured by preschool and school deadlines, but just know that you are not alone if your little one is closer to 4 years.

Keep that soft toilet paper close by and treat yourself to an amazing dinner when you don’t have to buy diapers any more!

They want to help you celebrate! 53 prizes of a $50 Sam’s Club gift card are up for grabs!

$50 Sam’s Club Gift Card Giveaway for Charmin