
“Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on what we are waiting for.” ~ Charles Stanley

Every day, after her nap, Mary Alice climbs on the stairs and just watches the front door, knowing that the big kids should be home from school soon.

She is perfectly content waiting.

She grabs her spotty dog and snuggles him tightly.

She usually asks me to sit with her. She points to the step and says, “down?” How can I refuse that?! When she hears the outside gate open, she starts smiling. She holds her breath while she waits for the door to open.

And then, they are home. And all’s right with the world.

Waiting is one of my absolute least favorite things to do. I’m pretty terrible at sitting still. My mind races with 1,000 other things I should be doing. But she is teaching me to be content with waiting… to enjoy the anticipation and excitement of watching a loved one walk through the door.

Goodness gracious I love her.

What if I became more willing to wait on people, instead of on things?

What if I was more willing to wait for the right time to say something, instead of wasting my patience on my favorite drive thru?

What if I was willing to wait for His timing, instead of rushing into things when I think they should happen?