Loosen that grip

Last Wednesday, we hosted Julia’s senior class at our home. The headmaster gave a presentation about SATs, college applications, financial aid, and all things 12th grade.

He shared that he was meeting with them before the school year starts, because he needed to meet the leaders of the school. I love when people speak a vision over my children. With those simple words, he made them leaders. Whether they were thinking about it or not, they are now leaders.

As they prepare to go out into the world, little ones are watching them. As they manage stress, success, failure, disappointment, and change, little hearts are learning.

This is my prayer for Julia as she travels her senior year:

May God fix your eyes on Him, so that you see beauty.

May God hold your hand tightly, so that you do not fall.

May God whisper into your ear, so that you hear truth.

May God light your path, now and always.

Dearest Julia, I will try to loosen my grip as I release you into this world. I will cleave my heart to Our Mother, so that she shows me grace, that I may imitate her as she gave her son to this world. Please forgive me for the moments that I hold to tightly and my selfishness takes over. Most days, I just want to wrap you up in bubble wrap so that you are always safe and never hurt. I so look forward to how you are going to set this world on fire.

(I made this printable for the seniors – feel free to download a free pdf here)