I wrote the following a few weeks ago on Facebook, but my heart continues to ache when I see people I esteem and love posting political cartoons about thoughts and prayers not working.
This. This has been on my heart all day after seeing the #thoughtsandprayers don’t work everywhere yesterday.
Prayer IS NOT words tossed up in a moment of desperation. Prayer IS an interaction with the Creator of the universe.
Next time you offer your prayers for someone, leave time to quiet yourself and listen for a response. Listen to what the Holy Spirit guides you to DO.
Does he ask you to take meals to grieving families? Does He lead you to call your congressperson? Does he ask you to have hard conversations with your children about the dignity of every human, no matter their color or creed?
I believe in prayer. I believe in miracles. And I believe in working hard to fight and end evil.
So, next time someone treats prayer as a wasted breath, offer them your personal experience with prayer. What has God done in you life? Where have you seen healing or a miracle? Give them hope. Give them the hope that only comes from knowing the King of Kings calls you His own.