The Walmart Ice Cream Social #theicecreamsocial

Kate's iPhone 003

Mr. B and I headed out to #theicecreamsocial.

We were so excited ~ It has been hovering around 115 here in Phoenix.

We had some terrible wind storms yesterday and when we arrived we learned that the freezer had been knocked out from the wind storms.

What?! Oh no!

The people in customer service were very kind… they explained what had happened and offered to look up the next closest store in the area having an #icecreamsocial. By that time, it would have been too late to drive to another location and make it, so what did we do?

We put on our big kid pants and decided to eat ice cream anyways!

Kate's iPhone 002

Kate's iPhone 001

Fortunately ~ they had been able to save some of the Nestle products. We are huge drumstick fans here!

Did you see these? The simply dipped! I am definitely trying those next time. They look amazing!

This shop/project has been compensated as part of a campaign for Nestlé. All views/opinions are my own.