DiGiorno + Game Time


Now, you all know how I love challenges. I like to win. I can’t help it. It is just who I am.

(Mad Skee Ball Skillz, remember?)

Any-who, Collective Bias issued me a challenge to feed my Game Time guests for $5.00 per person or less.

I headed out to my local Walmart and picked up some DiGiorno Rising Crust Pizzas and other snacks for our weekly Sunday night game night.

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We usually have a total of eight guests, so I picked up three large frozen DiGiorno Rising Crust Supreme pizzas, sodas and chips.

On Sunday, one of the couples had to cancel, which was no problem at all, since the pizzas were frozen. I just decided to save it and cook it later.

The pizzas were very easy to prepare.


I just preheated the oven, opened the pizzas, set them on cookie sheets, removed the wrapper and cardboard backing and cooked for about thirty minutes.

The pizzas looked and smelled amazing.

The pizzas were $6.49 each. The sodas were $.99 each. The chips were $1.19 each. So, for all six of us to each it was a total of $17.34.

This comes out to $2.89 each! EACH!

Isn’t that amazing?!

The pizzas were a huge hit.

We even had leftovers from the two pizzas, which we ate today for lunch. They were delicious even reheated.

Thank you for reading about my game night meal. I like sharing what works for me and for my family with you.

Disclaimer:  I have been compensated for my time by Collective Bias but the opinions and views are my own.