The Happy Day Project {Saturday} – Appreciate those in service

Appreciate those in service…

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This post was originally written Monday, July 20, 2009


Inspired by Tom Brokaw’s The Greatest Generation, the Mayor’s Council on Senior Citizen Affairs has instituted a special award to recognize Corpus Christi residents, age 65 and older, who have made a significant difference in the lives of those they have touched.

The distinguished individuals being honored are Mercedes Flores, Maxine Flournoy, Curtis Ford, Olga Gonzales, Grandis Lenken (In Memoriam), Maria Sanchez, William “Bill” Sheka, F.A. Thompson and W. G. West. The Award Recipient will be announced during the Award Dinner. Mayor Joe Adame will participate in the Award Ceremony. The nominees are among a generation of Americans who have “brought us to the forefront of politics, science, art” . . . community involvement and cultural diversity. Mr. Brokaw notes that this generation gave a new meaning to courage, sacrifice and honor.


Congratulations Grandpa! A little birdy told me you won the award. I am so happy for you. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving Grandpa T. I love you so much!

When good things like this happen, it reminds me…

Good things DO happen to good people.

Nice guys DO finish first.

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I love you Grandpa. I am so proud of you. You have always been a perfect example to me and I am so proud to be your granddaughter.


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Hugs to you,
