Grandma Camp {2011}


This is our 2nd year doing Grandma Camp.

We decided that since we live in Arizona and all our family lives in Texas, we would share our kids each summer with the Grandmas. One week with my family, one week with Brian’s family.

Last year I spent the first week moping around and missing the kids.

Who was feeding them? Who was making sure they didn’t walk in the street? Blah, blah, blah.

After the kids returned home last year, they were so full of joy and confidence.

The joy and the special stories and special times were so precious to listen to.

The confidence they had from spending two weeks navigating a new situation was priceless.

I am almost to the end of this year’s grandma camp. The kids sound so happy and I can’t wait to wrap my arms around them and squeeze them and listen to their stories.

I have had my moments of missing them, but this year, I have allowed myself to treasure the precious marriage I have. I have given myself permission to stay out late at night and try new places to eat and drive around aimlessly on the weekends.

I hope you are having a very blessed long weekend and that you also allow yourself to really enjoy the present and the precious moments around you.

Blessings to you,
