Wring my Heart Out…


Dearest Father,

Help me to forgive too often.

Help me to forgive others before they ask.

Help me to forgive others when they do not ask.



Once upon a time, I forgave completely without hesitation.

I was scolded by friends… I forgave too easily. I let people off the hook too easily. Didn’t I want them to change?

I allowed this world to change me.

I allowed this world to harden my heart.

I was wrong.

I’ve been listening to (in)courage’s series on Kelly Minters’s The Fitting Room.

Tonight I listened Chapters 8&9. Kelly hit the nail on the head.

Forgiveness isn’t about what I can hold over someone. Forgiveness isn’t about what I can teach someone with a grudge.

Forgiveness is full of the grace and mercy and peace that only comes from Christ. It is not of this world.

I pray that my heart is wrung out completely.

Is there someone that you need to forgive today?

~ Kate