Girls’ Getaway Weekend {Day 3}


my Jen Friend.

She’s my Chicago friend.

I luv her.

She moved to Texas the summer before 7th grade.

Our mother’s had both been praying that we would find a friend.


The first time we met, she crawled into the back of our ’98 Olds (aka Noah’s Ark) and we went to Six Flags for Youth Week.

We were instant friends. She liked to eat the funnel cake and wander and people watch.

She treated me to a spa day. Holy goodness.

Can I tell you something and you promise not to hate me?

They had a nap room. A NAP ROOM PEOPLE!


Do you see how relaxed I look?!

After Mr. B’s layoff and the move… this was such a treat.





We wandered and talked, as if we had seen each other every day.

She knows everything about me and loves me anyway.

I love you, Jen.

Miss you.