Mama said there would be days like this…



I am so sorry I’ve been gone for a while!

I spent an amazing weekend with my college roommates for our annual girl’s getaway.

I had almost cancelled with everything going on with Mr. B., but he insisted 🙂

I was in heaven! I feel relaxed and refreshed and wow.

I promise that I have pictures and stories and laughs to share with you, but for now, I will leave you with this funny and wonderful lesson in humility.


{This pretty picture has nothing to do with the story… just wanted to share it with you this morning}

So, this morning, we had the Great Missing Clarinet event of 2011.

This would not usually be a huge, show stopping event, except that we have a band concert this evening, so we must find the clarinet before school in the 7 minutes and 37 seconds of spare time that we have.

No luck.



Thoughts were spinning through my head….

“When I was 11, I was so organized.”

“Why can’t everyone follow the rules and put things on the school bench so that they are ready for the morning?”

“Why did we wait until the last minute to locate the clarinet?”

We left the house without the clarinet…. praying it was in the cubby at school.


{Inserting another pretty picture from Texas just for fun}

And then… we ran to Safeway to get flowers for teacher appreciation week.

We were going to make it to school on time. With flowers. Iris for Ms. Bullock and Carnations for Ms. Philipp.

We returned to the car and I couldn’t find my keys.

I NEVER lose anything. NEVER. {Insert laughter here}

More tears.

They had to be in the store somewhere, right? After all, we had driven there. {*I know you are all very impressed at my powers of deduction*}

The keys were waiting for me at the checkout line.

We made it to school.

The clarinet was in the cubby.

I will tell my thoughts to be nicer.

Happy Monday! or Wednesday or whatever day this is!
