Melting Chocolate Cakes {Recipe}


When Nate was born, we lived in an apartment that was about 700 square feet.

We watched every penny, hoping we would make it until the next month.

I wanted our Valentine’s Day to be so very special that year, so my friend Blaire cut out a recipe from the newspaper for me ~ for melting chocolate cakes.

I found this recipe a few days ago and it flooded back so many memories.


The kids were so small.

I had to borrow an electric mixer.

I found a new love for chocolate chips and melted butter.


I thought about that tiny apartment in Frisco, Texas.

I thought about the walks we used to take to the park with the little purple dinosaur.


Those were the days of babies falling asleep in the Chevy Blazer and holding my breath to get them inside without waking them up.

Those were they days of laundry mats and Burger King playgrounds.


Have a wonderful week, sweet friends!

Take some time and remember some good times!



Melting Chocolate Cakes

8 oz. semisweet chocolate

6 tablespoons of butter

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 teaspoon salt

4 large eggs, at room temperature

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Melt chocolate and butter in a 2-cup microwave-safe cup on High. This will take about 2 to 2 1/2 minutes; check and stir frequently until the chocolate has softened. Stir until combined.

Combine melted chocolate, flour, sugar, salt and 2 eggs in a mixing bowl. Beat with an electric mixer, adding remaining eggs 1 at a time, until pale yellow and a ribbon forms when the beaters are lifted. This takes about 5 minutes.

Butter 6 (8-ounce) Pyrex cups. Divide batter, filling each one about 3/4 full.

To serve immediately:  Bake on a cookie sheet for 13 minutes – no longer. Remove from the oven, run a knife around the edge and cool 5 minutes. Place a plat on top of the dessert, then turn upside down and un-mold. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, garnish with warm caramel and raspberries and serve.

To refrigerate:  Fill cups, cover and refrigerate:  Fill cups, cover and refrigerate batter for up to 2 days. Bake as directed.

Makes 6 servings.