Thoughts of Spring {Blog Party}

For those of you who don’t know me…

Kate Sunset

I am a Texas girl that marched to the beat of a job transfer to Arizona.

I always pictured raising my family in Texas, sending my children to Texas A&M and retiring somewhere with huge trees and green fields, but God had a little different and wonderful plan for me.

I have absolutely fallen in love with the desert. I adore the unexpected colors and the quiet of the star filled nights.

I began this blog as a way to stay in touch with my sweet family back in Texas. Since starting this on-line journal, I have read stories that filled my heart with complete love, I have seen pictures that moved me to tears and I have stood beside you on causes that caused my entire being to stir.

I have a beautiful daughter, Julia and a wonderful son, Nate. I am blessed.



I have had a few miscarriages the past few years. I share that so that those of you experiencing the same thing know that you are not alone. And it is such a big part of me right now. It’s just where I am.

So, first of all ~ Thank you, Lynette for this wonderful opportunity to build a beautiful community!

What celebrity/celebrities would create a “Star-Struck” feeling if you saw them in real life?
Kate Winslet – I just think she is so lovely. Her performance in Sense and Sensibility was incredible.

Drew Barrymore – She is adorable. I love her feisty and silly and all-in-ness!

What is your comfort food/drink?
Baked Potato – Butter, Cheese and Sour Cream (when I was pregnant, it was all I could keep down ~ every time!)

Do you have a strong desire to do something you’ve never done? What is it?
Not really. I’m pretty vanilla 🙂  

What are your favorite types of reading material?
Historical Fiction. I just finished The Help ~ amazing! 

Some of my faves:  The Red Tent, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Secret Life of Bees, SnowFlower and the Secret Fan

What are your favorite musical artists?
Midlake!!! Biggest Fan. Right Here.

 Mercy Me, Nicole Nordeman, J.J. Heller, Natalie Grant, Amy Grant, Eisley, Jimmy Eat World, Paramore, Elbow, Band of Horses, 

If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go?
Texas to visit family! Or Hawaii. We could all go!

What’s something you consider yourself to be good at? (Don’t worry, it’s not bragging, it’s acknowledging a God given gift).
Singing and photography

When you leave a social gathering, do you wish: You would have talked more or You would have talked less? 
Neither ~ I usually just enjoy it! No regrets!

What is your greatest fear or strange phobia?

What are your favorite animals?
Human babies ~ remember that Disney song… we are the human animal…. la, la, la. Ha!