I Will Meet You There…


Sometimes you take hold of a task, willing it to start

Sometimes the date for the task comes and goes, whizzing by you in the dark

Sometimes you are so disappointed with yourself

Sometimes you cry to yourself in the dark alley of your heart

And then


You hear a drum beat in the distance

You have a choice to run, pounding your chest to that drum

You have a choice to fold your hands in your lap


I choose to run towards the beat of the drum

I choose to throw my hands overhead and wave to the passerby’s

I choose to smile and plead with others to come with me


Whatever task you are late to

Whatever you long to take hold of

Join me

Stand up tall and strong and run to the beat

Knowing I will meet you there


~Kate, Songs Kate Sang


Sara, thank you for pounding the drum for Project 365 and allowing me to come with you! I love that we were fashionably late and I love that this project pushes and pulls and inspires me to take a picture of my ordinary everyday.