Thank you + a little suprise…


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

For my family, it is time for Thank You Notes.

We were just blessed with two weeks with family.

We were showered with gifts, meals, long meaningful conversations, naps, endless acts of service, naps, fun, kindness, thoughtfulness and naps. {Did I mention naps?}

Instilling an attitude of gratefulness in my children {and myself} is very important to me.

If there is one talent I possess in this life, it is correspondence. I love to write letters. I love to mail packages. I love to send people little remembrances that they are on my mind and in my heart.

It can be overwhelming sometimes to start the process.

First, I take some time as I unpack and tidy to write down who gave me what. It sounds a little tedious, but in a week, after school and homework, soccer practice and choir, meals and laundry;  I am probably not going to remember exactly who did what.

I want to be sure that the person who gave me something is specifically thanked and remembered, showing my GRATITUDE, for their kindness and thoughtfulness. {I am a strong believer in positive reinforcement. For example, I loved the photography book my sister-in-law gave me and I want her to know that I love the bond we share through photography}.

The good news:  There are tons of websites and helpful hints to help you write meaningful notes of GRATITUDE.

When I am working with Nate the Great and Sweet Baby J, I like to print out a list of phrases to help them start their letter.


• I’ll think of you every time I look at it (or use it).

• What an original present.

• Thank you for the beautiful card and a present on top of that!

• You shouldn’t have.

• Thanks for not only taking the time to think of me, but to send (bring) a gift as well.

• Words cannot convey my gratitude.

• Your generosity overwhelms me.

• You can have no idea how much it means to me.

• However did you find this!

• It’s stunning!

• It looks like one-of-a-kind.

• Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

We take our time and usually just do one note a day. It makes the project take longer {and since I am a task oriented person and like to check things off my list, that can drive me a little crazy} but I want the kids to know that it is not a task to be rushed through.

When I sit down to write my thank you notes, I get a cup of wonderful tea, put on some sweet and quiet music and think of the person before I write it.

I’ve noticed that if I fill my heart with GRATITUDE and sincerity, it pours out into my letter.

Don’t be hard on yourself. If your day suddenly becomes filled with a 3am wake-up, two loads of laundry from a sick little one and random naps just to continue functioning {this would be my day after Christmas}, it is ok. Put it off and rest.

I have found that the best time for me to write is when I have a moment to myself. Only then can I craft a letter full of sincerity and thankfulness.

The recipient may read it and throw it in the trash or they may cherish it forever.

It isn’t my job to worry about what they do with it, it is my job to pour out my gratefulness onto the paper and fill my day with love and sweetness.

Hopefully I will become like a cool breeze gently hugging everyone I pass or a garden bursting forth with flowers to be picked.


Take some time today and write a thank you plan.

Now, because I adore you for stopping by, if you would like to choose a card or tag or stamp from my Etsy shop to get you going, I’d love to give one to you…

No. Really. I’d love for you to pick one out! {Yes, for free!} I’ll ship it right away.

I created a section called ‘Thank You’ in my Etsy shop. Feel free to choose one of any of these!

Then, select ‘Other’ for your form of payment.

Happy New Year, my friends.

Have a wonderful day!
