Christmas Tradition {2} or The Journey to Bethlehem


Nate and Grandma. Favorite. Picture. Ever.


Each year our church holds a Journey to Bethlehem.

You bring a plate of cookies for the other travelers 🙂 and you take a journey.

Mr. B’s parents were here for this as well ~ to they got to see my Angel as an Angel!

Yup, that’s Sweet Baby J right up there in the top middle.


Something very sweet is happening in this amazing Arizona world.

As I walked through this year, I found myself saying hi to so many of the kids… Right there in the middle is Christian ~ one of Nate the Great’s friends and one of my favorites.

Isn’t it incredible how it isn’t so much about the place as it is about the people?

When will I ever learn? People.

I love people. Especially you guys. {Still smiling ear to ear about the well!}


This is Christian’s sister Mackenzie – another one of my favorites.

Seriously… isn’t she the sweetest angel?!


Angels in Converse. It makes me happy.


The view from our church ~ Sunset over Camelback Mountain ~ not bad, huh?!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful, wonderful week!

