Hawk-eye Sighting + Most Treasured Gift





I think I was 13.

My brother {19 months apart} gave this to me.

It is really the first present I remember getting from him. My mom told me that he picked it out himself ~ just for me.

I have a little collection of houses that I unpack every Christmas. This beautiful garden scene lives with them. I know, it doesn’t really go, but every time I unwrap it, I think of him and it warms my heart ~ just like Christmas {did I hear a collective, awwww out there? Yeah, I know ~ super cheezey. It’s just how I roll}.

Have I told you about my brother? He can sing… wow can he sing. He plays guitar. He serves others. He loves children. He’s just amazing.

It was just the two of us growing up.

It was all boys in our neighborhood ~ all about his age. He was nice enough to let me tag along.

I was a pro skateboarder, a dirt bike expert, a matchbox car collector, tree climbing, wing wall hiding (do you know what that is?), and creek wading tomboy.

ALL of my memories of Christmas involve him. Sneaking under the Christmas tree in the front room, in front of the big bay window to stealthily un-tape presents. Long, long, love drives from Plano, Texas to Corpus Christi, Texas to see all of our grandparents. Building tents in the back of the suburban to help the time pass.

Driving through Rockport to find fresh shrimp to grill.

Getting to Corpus and playing with the neighbors (who were boys). Running on the beach. Hiding behind the sand dunes. Eating at What-a-burger. Sliding down Grandma’s stairs.



I love you, BJ. Always have. Always will.

Your big sis’,
