They named him Hawk-eye…


They named him Hawk-eye.

My sweet, literal children.

I was hoping for Jack or Rufus (hi Aimee!) or Oliver.

Some days it is so hard to let them have their turn at this life.

Some days I just want to ::insert opinion and great advice here::

But, it’s their fun world.

It is their turn to imagine and have fun and play.

Have you ever heard that Kenney Chesney song… A Lot of Things Different?

People say they wouldn’t change a thing even if they could
Oh but I would

And there was this red dress she wanted one time so bad she could taste it
And I should of bought it
But I didn’t

She wanted to paint our bedroom in yellow and trim it in blues and greens
But I wouldn’t let her
It wouldn’t of hurt nothin’

This is one of those things.

Those things I am gonna do different.

His name his Hawk-eye. And I love him with all my heart.

Because they named him, not me.

And it didn’t hurt nothin’