Mamma and the Happy Snowman Craft

Kate Eschbach Photography-2a

Last week, mom gave us a date. We went out to the Studio Movie Grill to see Ender’s Game. It was so good. I love being able to have dinner and a movie. (Thank you, mom!)

That day, mom had picked up various supplies for a craft. She had seen something I had done a tutorial for on Pinterest and was so excited that she found me on Pinterest. (Yes, she really is the most encouraging lady in the whole world. True story.)

When Brian and I got home, there was the cutest collection of snowmen! They are now sitting on my counter smiling at me every morning.

Mom, thank you for getting excited about things I do.

If you need a no-sew, great craft for the Thanksgiving holiday – this is it! Nate decorated his for three days. Riley colored his snowman with a collection of polka dots.

If you would like to see the original post, just click here.

Have a great day everyone!
