Simple Christmas Card Keepsake

Have you received a card that you love so much? Create this simple Christmas Card Keepsake to preserve it.

Christmas Card Keepsake

First of all, thank you for the sweet emails about the Simple Holiday Centerpieces! Sometimes, I just figure, I just may be the least crafty person out there in blogland – but if you like me sharing my simple ways that I do things – I’d love to share them with you! You guys sure know how to make a girl feel special – thank you!

So – without further explanation…

Have you ever received a Christmas card that you just fell in love with? You wanted to keep it and display it each year, but you just weren’t sure how?

Well, we have a dear family friend that sends the most beautiful, artistic cards every year. I absolutely fell in love with the card shown above. So, with the help of my sister-in-laws, we came up with a cute way to display this one.

We purchased blocks of wood at a local craft store and spray painted them dark brown. We used mod podge to attach the card to the wood. Then, I put a correlating holiday paper over the top of the card and only mod podged the sides. Next, I carefully tore the middle section and curled the paper.

I wanted it to look like I was opening a package.

I thought I was so clever -until I saw a very similar idea the following week at Anthropologie. They must be spying on my creative ways, huh?! 🙂

Christmas Card Keepsake - 1

Christmas Card Keepsake - 1a

Now, each Christmas, I pull it out of the decoration box and smile. I remember this sweet family fondly and get excited about opening their card this year!

Happy Christmas!
