Don’t hit delete…

Over the next few days, you may download pictures.

And you might just be tempted to delete some of those pictures.

You may not look like you did in high school (gasp).

You may not look like the model who was wearing your sweater in the catalog (gasp).

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{Making it to first base in the annual kick ball game!}


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But these pictures are YOU.

And YOU are beautiful!

Trust me – my first reaction when I saw these pictures was to hit delete – or crop the picture to hide my stomach – or turn it to black and white.

But what legacy do I leave when I do that? What do I teach my children when I do that?

Who I am is: someone who has walked / run over 350 miles this year.

Who I am is: a mother of a brand new two year old, walking down the path of adoption for the first time.

Who I am is: a woman madly in love with her husband and best friend.

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Who I am is someone who loves her friends fiercely and was born to encourage others.

So – don’t hit delete!

Keep those pictures and know that YOU are loved.
