Plant Therapy

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Today, Riley and I spent a lot of time at The Simple Farm this morning. After being there, and impulsively buying strawberry plants, I decided to go to Home Depot. I decided that plants were needed. Green, healing, happy plants.

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Riley’s adoption is taking so much longer than we thought. More paperwork, more waiting, more funds. When this entire process started, gentle friends warned us that sometimes things do not go smoothly. I blissfully flicked off their warnings onto the dirt and thanked them for looking out for me.

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It’s ok. I have tasted His goodness and will continue to Praise Him.

I’ve always thought about the phrase ‘I shall not want‘.

What does that mean? I’m learning. Through this very small portion of a bitter cup, I’m learning.

I shall not want it to go more quickly – because that would not show faith in His timing.

I shall not wish it was different circumstances – because that would not show faith in His sovereignty.

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Every day that passes, my relationship with Riley amazes me. It grows and strengthens. It pulls and wears off sharp places in my heart. It re-prioritizes and loves, less selfishly than I have known in a very long time. When he takes handfuls of my hair, smells it like a flower, and smiles, I am sure that we have found each other.

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This afternoon called for much outside time. Lots of swords.

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You should never tell a two year old to run toward you for a picture when he is holding a sword. It’s just not a good idea. You’ll have to trust me on that one.

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After such a great day – feeling very proud of myself for keeping my chin up and looking for beauty – I blew it at the finish line.

I was still helping Julia with 8th grade Algebra at 9:30 at night. My sighing and annoyed tone were right there for all to see. Julia apologized for needing my help. And I knew I had blown it.

I had leaned on His grace all day long and not shown any grace to her. It’s not her fault that the area of a cylinder is harder than heck to explain. It’s not her fault that expanding and simplifying variables is not something that I was ever very good at.

We ended on a good note – and that is what is important. Forgiveness was requested and given.

And tomorrow is a new day – full of new promises.

Have a wonderful day my friends,
