Adoption Update – Part 13

Sweet Riley. He has become my shadow.

(Even waking up in the middle of the night to come be by our sides).

I pray that I am thankful for those blessings and interruptions and never take for granted this little one that has come into our life.

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Brian found a little trunk at Goodwill during one of the 50% off Saturdays. The hinges were in perfect condition. We let Riley pick out the color (yellow, white, or blue) and he chose blue.

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He likes to sing as he paints. He makes up songs about the brushes and the paint and the grass and the ants.

Three is one of my favorite ages. He learns new words every day and asks “why not” at least ten million times each day.

As September 4th draws closer, time seems to be speeding up. I am so thankful that He knows my impatient heart.

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