Adoption – Update Part Eight

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Eight months. I’m sitting here with a smile on my face just thinking about that.

Brian woke me up this morning to show me his phone. (Not terribly unusual – except that it usually has to do with the latest happening with the Texas Aggies – Whoop!). This morning he wanted to show me what I had written on December 1st of 2012. That day, we sat down and made family goals for 2013 – and he kept the list on his phone. I only listed one.  ‘Look into adoption’.

I immediately burst into tears.

WHAT?! I don’t even remember that – but wow! Did we ever look into it 🙂

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Today, I want to remember that Riley just got his 2nd haircut. He is so adorable. He sits so perfectly still and patiently in the chair when he is getting his hair cut. Angel.

I want to remember that his favorite show is Caillou.

I want to remember that when he wants to be held he says, “I need you.”. He doesn’t say it passively or quietly. It is emphatic and determined.

He likes chocolate, but does not like other sweets. He loves blueberries with all of his heart. And cheese has to be hidden on the top shelf.

I want to remember that we just passed his second little sickness – he is so healthy. Even when he isn’t well, he is a trooper and is constantly telling me – “me not sick. are you sick?”

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Everyone stops to ask me where he got his red hair from. I need to come up with a good answer for that. I have a brunette, a blonde, and a redhead – it sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn’t it? Like – a brunette, a blonde, and a redhead walk into a bar… except that he’s two and that would be bad… and then it isn’t a funny joke anymore… See? I get stuck. Think of a good one for me, ok?

It was so fun sharing a baby picture with you last month – I thought we should do it again! He was four months old in this picture…

From Grandma Wendy-181

Love you guys! Thank you for your prayers and support during this amazing process.
