Adoption – Update Part Nine

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Riley has been with us, staying in our home, nine months today!

He brings so much joy to our home and our family. I think he learns new words every day.

My favorite words right now are:

“bak-set-ball” for basketball

“na-dan” for Nathan (what he calls Nate)

all chips are considered Cheetos

“why not” is interchangeable for “why”

And my favorite – when he wakes up from his nap, he sings “mommy, where are you?”

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Mom is here from Texas and it is such a blessing. We went to Butterfly Wonderland on Friday. I was pretty nervous about how Riley would do with all the rules (no running, no loud noises, etc.) but he was fantastic.

The butterflies glided all around us. It was very peaceful.

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These beautiful blue butterflies were impossible to get a picture of! The outside of their wings was brown. When they flew, they let us catch a glimpse of their stunning blue color.

My days can really get in a rut. I have my schedule and my chores and I just march along. But when I have her encouragement and help, I get to fly. I remember to put notes in lunch boxes and I rejoice in the laundry that piles up. I take surprise trips to see butterflies. I wonder what my color is? Maybe I could have a different color each day. That would be cool.

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Do you have someone that encourages you? Do you have someone that helps you shine?

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The adoption is still in process. We are waiting on more paperwork to be completed. Today, I am good with God’s timing. I know that His plan and His timing are perfect. In the meantime, I will just keep loving this cute little Redhead – whether he has our last name or not.

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Psalm 89:2  – I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself.

Have a wonderful week, friends!
