Adoption: Woven Together

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With Riley’s adoption, we were given the option to stay in touch with his grandmother and great-aunt. Ideally, it could be beautiful and wholesome. Realistically, it could be messy and hard.

Brian and I decided quickly that we would absolutely take them up on their offer. One day, when he has questions about his biological family, there will be two beautiful women who love him fiercely to answer him.

Without a doubt, we are so glad we made this decision. They love my other children and have practically “adopted” them. Now, my entire family just has an extra grandmother and great-aunt who care for us.

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Riley’s story is becoming a story of how we are all woven together by God’s grace. We are all family that must care for each other and treat each other with love and respect and kindness. Can you imagine the questions Joseph had when he was holding the Son of God in his arms? My questions and hesitations pale in comparison.

Was it uncomfortable at first? Sure. One year ago, we didn’t know each other at all. One year ago, I was writing “look into adoption” on a list of goals. Was it awkward? Absolutely. I questioned every word I said and every parenting decision I made when we spent time together. I felt clumsy and tongue tied.

Is it 100% worth it? Yes. Without a doubt. Every time I look at Riley surrounded by these women, I know that it was right.

I know that as time passes it will become second nature. For now, I am so thankful that these women took a chance on Brian and I loving their Riley as much as they do.