I have a few friends that are excellent at distracting me from the morning sickness right now. Nancy is one of them. We like to take photo walks together. Another friend of mine told me about a place we could find wildflowers where the road ended. So I picked Nancy up and we drove. We drove and drove and found where the road ends. We never did find the wildflowers, but we found something else. A herd of wild horses.
They were beautiful and sudden.
I had a moment where I was talking to myself about being pregnant. It has been beautiful and sudden.
Nancy and I weren’t sure what to do other than to stop, roll down the windows, take pictures, and laugh. That is exactly how I feel about the baby. I have no other choice than to slow down. The road of how I thought life was going to go has come to an abrupt end. And now, I am just laughing and adjusting.
So, find yourself a friend and go take and adventure. Find where your road ends.
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