Back to School, #CookiesKids and Julia


In 1972, a young man named Cookie and his brother Marvin went into business together. They rented a 1600 square foot store in Jamaica, Queens, fixed it up, bought inventory and Summer and Fall, and opened a day after Thanksgiving with a full stock of holiday toys. The toys were a success and they put the extra money toward buying children’s clothing for the next season. When that did well, they bought more clothing. The business was on it’s way.

As the brothers Cookie, Marvin and Sonny, who had come in as a third partner in the business, began to open new stores in new locations, inventory expanded. Besides the latest fashions, our customers wanted shoes, toys, backpacks and accessories and we were prepared to deliver.

By the late 1990’s there were six superstores throughout the NYC area, and though they previously had different names, by that time they were all named Cookie’s Kids. Also in the late ’90s came an important addition to Cookie’s Kids’ inventory: school uniforms. It was the steady success in uniform sales that paved the way for founding in 2007, which originally sold uniforms and soon after the entire Cookie’s Kids Inventory.


The good news is that Julia is at such a fun age to shop for!

The bad news is that I have the hardest time choosing clothes that she really likes. We both know what that means. If she doesn’t really like them, she won’t wear them.

Have you used polyvore before? Oh my goodness! It was so fun. This was my first time.

I went to CookiesKids online store and created a collection that I thought she may like.

{Feel free to visit my Google+ shopping trip story here}

Below is the board that I showed her using polyvore!

Too fun…

I may have lost track of time just a wee bit while creating this board for Julia.



LuvCookies - Julia Back to School


The best part? She liked it!
We usually do a lot of her summer shopping at Justice, but she has outgrown their clothes, so I’m always looking for a new place to shop for her.
It was fun to look at the board together, talk about what she liked and didn’t like and head over to CookiesKids to let her choose clothes to refresh her summer wardrobe!
She truly loved the styles and colors. There was plenty for her to choose from.
Below is a snapshot of their website:
CookiesKids Website
I loved that their website made it possible to search by size.
This saved us a lot of time while we sat on the couch together choosing what she liked.
The prices were great – honestly.
I would never tell you that if I didn’t truly mean it.
I love that she choose bright and sunshiny colors to celebrate summer.
You should head over to CookiesKids and see what they have that would brighten your little ones summer wardrobe!
You can follow them on Twitter or Facebook, too!
Disclosure:  I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study forCollective Bias™ and #CBias #SocialFabric