
Very soon, you will outgrow together bathtimes.

Each night, when I say ‘bathtime?’, you both run for the stairs ready to play with boats and bubbles. Some nights are peaceful as you both unwind. Some nights are crazy as water splashes everywhere and you both get into trouble for getting water out of the tub.

Time plays tricks on me when I see shadows of Julia and Nate playing together many years ago.

Oh Sebastian, there is nothing quite so delicious as sweet snuggles with a clean smelling baby. I could smell your hair forever and kiss the extra soft skin on your neck.

But keep growing baby. The coming years are sweet, too. We will get to talk about how stars shine and how horses run. I’ll watch you walk into a classroom by yourself and you’ll tell me stories of of heroes and soccer games.

I’ll watch you play ball with Riley and Nate. And I’ll smile when you help Mary Alice water the garden.

I love you so much, my darlings.