For the beauty…


At Julia’s 8th grade promotion, they sang “For the Beauty of the Earth”. I sang it in choir when I was her age.

The second verse has been rolling around in my head for days…

For the beauty of each hour
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flow’r,
Sun and moon, and stars of light,

For the beauty of each hour? Every hour? What? Are you serious?

There are hours that I have not thought as beautiful lately.

12:45am – the first time Riley wakes up.

4:48am – the second time Riley wakes up.

4:00pm – that last hour before Brian is home.

8:30pm – when I am asking the older two to start heading to bed


This week, I am going to challenge myself to find beauty in these hours.

Even if I have to buy myself flowers and put them in a vase when I can see them – I will find beauty.

If there are hours that find hard, please know that I pray for you and I can relate.

My grandmother always told me that if God wakes me up in the middle of the night- no matter how He does it – it means I better be on my knees praying. That there is a reason I’m awake – and there is someone I need to be praying for. You are on that list, dear one. You are prayed for in the middle of the night.
