Best Buy’s Showroom #OneBuyForAll

Disclosure:  I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser.

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Taking Brian to Best Buy for some popular electronics shopping was a real treat! It was fun to ask him what he really wanted. (Not what we needed or what he thought we might like for the home, but what he just wanted!)   We spent at least an hour there. He played and looked and tried everything. We mainly browsed in the TV & Home Theater Showroom. It’s amazing how much technology changes from year to year. It was at least five years ago when we purchased our TV. I love our TV and have no complaints, but seeing how sharp the new TVs are was amazing! The picture quality is absolutely incredible on the new models. While we were looking around, we spoke with many helpful associates – including the store manager, Brett.

Did you know that Best Buy has a low price guarantee? Me either! I’m so glad Brett came over and let us know about that. You can really get the best deal at your local Best Buy. Best Buy also has a Home Theater buying guide if you need help getting started.

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We love watching movies together. With three little ones, our date nights involve watching and snuggling on the couch. Adding something to our home theater is a perfect gift for both of us. We considered record players, headphones, and a new TV stand. In the end, we decided on a Blu-ray player! We have been given quite a few movies that are blu-ray and didn’t have a way to watch them.

I know what our date nights will be the next few months! We spent the evening rearranging our living room. We have wanted to do this for a while, but this really encouraged us to go ahead and make the move. We talked about mounting the TV. We aren’t ready to do that yet, but it is good to know that Best Buy’s Geek Squad can take care of that for you!

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Tonight, we will plug in our new Blu-ray player and watch a movie that we haven’t been able to watch yet! I’m already looking forward to it.