Can I tell you a story?


I love this picture.

Grandma and Sweet Baby J.

They are so cute together.

Once upon a time, Grandma came to stay with my brother and I.

Mom and dad went to Washington DC.

Grandma took us to eat fancy Mexican food… hello Monterrey House at the corner of Custer and 15th street. I miss you. I miss your Leche Comida. Come back to me. OK? OK.

Any-who… we were playing with nerf pop guns while mom and dad were gone. Grandma broke the lamp. We held our breath for three seconds and collapsed into laughter on the floor.

She filled our vacations with laughter and silliness.



Grandpa passed away when I was four.


He died in a plane crash and my family still misses him.

He was a lead home builder in Corpus Christi, Texas.

My grandmother loves him so much. She never remarried. She never ever dated.

Whenever people asked her, she would tell them that she had the best, why on earth would she ever want to be with someone else?

Yeah, I get that.

Her name is Mary.

His name was Marion.

When we checked her out of the hospital, guess who was on the visitor list?

Marion White.

We have no idea how it happened.

But he had been there.

Probably making sure she wasn’t alone on Christmas.

McGahaMAL (4x6)

I had to write this down, because I don’t want to ever forget.

Have a wonderful day,
