Can you guess the new color from the Classroom Friendly Supplies Team?

Disclosure: I was given a pencil sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies to celebrate the release of their new color! It is my honor to share news with you from a store that I enjoy and support! 

I’ve been a fan of Classroom Friendly Supplies for a long time! Brian and I have a running joke about the love of freshly sharpened pencils. They make me very happy. I like them to all be sharpened to the same amount. I like them to be in a glass jar so that you can see them all.

The company, Classroom Friendly Supplies, was created by an Elementary School teacher. He was looking for something to replace the dreaded interruption of the sound of an electric pencil sharpener, so he created a first class, manual pencil sharpener. No need for an outlet. No noisy interruptions.

My mother was a 7th grade teacher for 21 years, so I completely understood his frustrations. I know teachers love this product!

Troy reached out and asked us to help him celebrate his newest color, and of course I agreed! Introducing the ever lovely purple!Classroom Friendly Supplies-1a

How fun is that?! Be sure and stop by to see if he has your school color!

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Congratulations, Troy!