The Christ Cathedral and Medieval Times

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I grew up watching the Hour of Power with Robert Schuller. Mom and dad would have this playing on the television before we left for church on Sunday mornings. I was always amazed with the beautiful architecture and music. I can remember touring the grounds when I was young, when we went to Disneyland. It’s only about a ten minute drive away.

We knew that we wanted to wait to go to park again until Monday to give my parents a chance to get arrive, so I looked up Mass times and  Brian, the kids, and I went to Mass at the Christ Cathedral. It was absolutely beautiful.

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After Mass, Brian headed back to Arizona for work and the kids and I waited for mom and dad to arrive. A certain redhead was very excited to see Grandpa in his cowboy hat round the corner.

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My brother, BJ, treated us to an evening at Medieval Times. I was just kind of going along for the ride, thinking the kids would love it – but I think I enjoyed it as much as they did! (Thank you, BJ!)

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Have a great week everyone!
