Christmas Day, Cooking and Family


Cooking with my aunts is one of my favorite memories. We have made ginormous meals together for as long as I can remember. My mom has two sisters and one brother.

My grandmother used to have {when she lived in Corpus Christi} a huge conference table in her dining room. It was this beautiful, long ,cherry oak table. Everyone would come to her house… the kids, the parents, the grand-kids, the in-laws and the outlaws. Grandpa would say that we were cooking for the Army.

I can remember laying down under the table and stretching out on the maroon, soft carpet. I can remember feeling so small under that table and listening to everyone laughing.

Eventually, I’d be summoned to set the table for at least 20 and then the fun would really begin!

Our meal must haves always included:

deviled eggs
green bean casserole
grandma’s cranberry sauce
more potatoes
more meat

The men of the family insist on these.

We always try to squeeze in a few special recipes just for kicks.


Do you remember the mushrooms from Thanksgiving?

This is Julia doing them for everyone for Christmas. I LOVED having her in the kitchen with my mom, my aunts and I! She got to partake in the giggles and the laughter and the all out sweetness that happens when women cook together.

I gave Grandma a play by play of the mushrooms over the phone {she was still in the hospital} and promised to sneak her in a mushroom later that day. {You should know that I completely chickened out and was scared of her doctor and his strict diet regulations. I did not want to get kicked out again}

I introduced my aunts to the Tasty Kitchen website.

Ree, if my aunts crash the website from their multiple hits of giddiness, I’m sorry. We just like food. Amen.


Paper airplanes was the hit of the day. Good job, mom.

Mr. B kept Sweet Baby Nate busy at the kitchen table.

Picnik collage Aunt Margaret

When I uploaded my photos later that night I found a ton that Sweet Baby J took. It is so fun to see what catches her eye and what she enjoys.

She took 1,417,987 pictures of Bonnie and Bud {the sweet doggies pictured above}. Do you think she wants a dog?

Have a great day!
