Coffee Date: Super Moon


If we sat down today over coffee, I would tell you about last Saturday.

After the kids birthday party, we decided to drive up to Fountain Hills and look at the Super Moon.

We were going to head to the Lost Dog Trail, but we were worried we wouldn’t make it in time, so we stopped at the Fry Overlook.


It was so amazing.

Not only was I so proud for just going for it… you know?

Driving somewhere on a whim (not like me), not getting the kids home to bed on time (not like me)…

It was amazing.

There were people everywhere. It was like a community of families all amazed at Creation.


{This was my view the other direction}



I’d tell you that I really do think that Phoenix is beautiful.


I’d wish you a very happy weekend and give you a big Texas hug.


Coffee Dates  are the sweet creation of Alissa over at Rags to Stitches.

There are so many beautiful souls here in Blogland! I wish we lived down the street from each other and really could meet for coffee.

Thank you, Alissa for creating a space where we can meet and share coffee together.

Come on over!