Community and feeling welcome

Kate Eschbach Photography-2

This morning, Riley and I headed over to The Simple Farm with mom. We met Riley’s great-aunt and grandmother there. I had been wanting to show them where I take Riley on Thursdays.

As soon as we pulled up, his grandmother and great-aunt were waving at us, welcoming us into their morning.

As we walked through the gates, we were met with big hugs and smiles from the usual Thursday morning crew – Lylah, Michael, Carol, David… They welcomed all of my guests with happy words and bear hugs.

I felt welcomed.

It’s so nice to share such a wonderful community with guests and then watch it not disappoint.

Do I do that for others? When I see friends arrive do I welcome them with smiles and waves making them feel welcome and warm? I’m not sure that I do. I want to learn from the beautiful community that I am honored to be a part of. I want to make others feel welcome even on days that I feel down. I want to make others feel welcome because I don’t know how their day is going and they just might need a kind smile to feel welcome.

Would you try that with me? Would you smile at someone tomorrow for me?

