Be Crafty – one more thing! {and a chance at some swag}

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Photo Credit: LaurenJean Photography

I just have so much to tell you about Hope Spoken (two crazy weekends in a row – what?!).

Before I do that, I have to share a little more with you about Be Crafty, Arizona.

When people and businesses come together to support a weekend for people to create and make friendships, something amazing happens.

When you sit and eat and encourage and make beautiful things together, you are sharing joy with those around you.

I know I walked away with new friendships and great memories (and maybe even a new crafting skill!).

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Photo Credit: LaurenJean Photography

Thank you, Amanda for allowing me to be a part of this amazing day!

Thank you so much to all the sponsors that made that day possible – Barberry and LaceCupcake Mag and Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market!

Thank you to the swag donors! We love supporting handmade shops and are so grateful to you for your generosity!


  1. Tiny Prints notebook – Recipe For Crazy print design  use code: BECRAFTY 25% off  // IG @lesleyzellers
  2. Lori Danelle  // IG @loridanelle
  3. Fancy That Design //  IG @fancythatdesign // 10% off Code: BECRAFTYAZ until April 30th
  4. Pen and Paint  //  IG @PEN_AND_PAINT
  5. My Mom Snaps //  IG @prettygirldesigns  // 20% off Code: BECRAFTYAZ until April 30th
  6. Steph Loves Ben  //  IG @stephlovesben
  7. Pretty Girl Designs // IG @prettygirldesigns // 20% off Code: BECRAFTYAZ until April 30th
  8. Kate Eschbach //  IG @songskatesang
  9. KatyGirl Designs  // IG @katykristin  // 20% off Code: BECRAFTYAZ until April 30th
  10. Natalie Creates  // IG @nataliecreates
  11. Archetype Collective // IG @stefanie_morgan
  12. Benzi  //  IG @benzidesign
  13. Inspire Lovely // IG @inspirelovely
  14. Barberry & lace // IG @barberry_and_lace
  15. Willow Washi // IG @willowwashi
  16. Printic 
  17. 618LOVE //  IG @618LOVE
  18. Give with Joy // IG @anetanina

Thank you Hello apparelsucre + confettishop sweet lulu ,  Mason Bar Company, Fairytale Brownies and  Cole for making everything and everyone cute! 

I keep walking by the things that we made over that weekend with a huge smile on my face! Come back to Arizona soon!

If you would like a chance to win a bag of this amazing swag, head over and enter at Amanda’s blog.

Have a beautiful week!
